Holidays, for me, are pretty hectic. I have a huge family! Both
of my parents have eight siblings, so when we go to the annual Christmas party on either side of the family, it’s pretty huge. We all bring different foods and desserts and have to try not to overeat with all of the delicious holiday food. 

Every Christmas, I’m asked many times how many classes I am
taking and they put their two cents in about my major, also hearing quite a
number of lectures of how I need to stay in school. It gets a little frustrating
hearing the same thing over and over, but they are family so you get used to it and say the same thing you always say. This year, I don’t even want to imagine the lectures and advice I am planning on receiving since I’m expecting a baby girl. She is going to be the new baby of the family on both sides. So along with the lectures, I am going to have to stay calm while everyone tries to touch my baby. To other people that might not be a big deal, but I’m a very clean person, or germ-a-phobe, that can’t handle too many people touching me and now I can’t imagine how I will be with my daughter. 

Another thing that worries me, is that I’ve been out of work for about a month due to the pregnancy and every year, I would buy gifts for my parents, 3 siblings, and sister-in-law, but since all of the money I have saved up is for the baby, it’s kind of hard to spend on gifts. They don’t mind and say the baby is the best gift but, I still feel bad.  

I think Heather Cheek’s article on the holiday blues was very
informative and to the point. I loved that she put tips on how to relieve the stress from the holidays. I especially like, but highly doubt I will get, that she suggests getting the right amount of sleep since you lose sleep during the holidays. I couldn’t believe when she said some people get the blues when the holidays are over. I, personally, feel slightly relieved when everything is over and I’m getting ready to get back to school and back to my regular schedule. It’s shocking how much I miss school when we are on a holiday break. 
I agree when she writes, “the unrealistic expectations of the season, time and financial pressures, missing loved ones, and reflecting on past events as the year comes to an end all contribute.” This is true for almost
everyone I know. You feel a little down when it’s the first Christmas without a family member. With this economy, everyone is worried about their finances, it’s hard not to avoid that you need to cut back or not splurge on what you really wanted. I also can understand why some people feel obligated to buy gifts for certain loved ones and stress about how they will be able to afford it. 

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